Thursday, March 31, 2011


I've been conducting a very scientific experiment using a sample size of one (me!) I want to see the effect of different nutrition and different training modes using my lifting as a marker for progress. It's all very scientific and I will publish my findings in a prominent scientific journal very soon no doubt and the Daily Mail can pick it up and quote me as saying that weightlifting either causes or cures cancer, (or both as they frequently do).

So you've all seen the effect of project abs: less food equals abs but also less weight lifted. As my goal is to lift more weight, this is not ideal. I know I would probably get stronger at the lower weight if I chipped away at it, but food is too tasty so I'm back up at 62kg and have been maintaining this since project abs ended.

Non specific training: While metabolic conditioning and other such ways of training all have their benefits, none of them seem very applicable to me right now. Having spent years doing non specific interval style training, I find the weightlifting on it's own to be a more efficient and more effective way of making strength gains and keeping fit for meeting any non specific challenges that arise. I believe squats to be the key to this progress.

Cycling: I view this as a way of getting from A to B, not of getting exercise done. However, due to my lackadaisical approach to time keeping, I frequently find myself belting across town as fast as my little legs will go, fighting against the lactic acid building up in my legs. Whenever I take a week off, I notice that even though I'm less hungry, the scales isn't as friendly. I have yet to notice an effect of cycling on my lifting.

And so, armed with this knowledge, I have come up with a very scientific equation to a successful healthy productive life.

Squats + Healthy food x pink leg warmers = Win. 

Last few days of project abs folks. If you intend to donate, better get on it now. Donate here now please Donations are very much appreciated and you will be entered in a draw for a lovely portrait of you or a loved one thanks to the very generous and talented Daire Lynch. (Click this to see his art!)

Here are some training videoes because I got a new camera toy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another max week

Monday 14th March 2011
I felt strong. I snatched up to 51kg feeling really good. All the lifts were whoosh boom. 53kg just would not go up. I tried three times but no dice. Squatted up to 115kg oly style and failed 120kg. I'm not sure if I couldn't do it or if I gave it up but left it there anyway.

Rested Tuesday and Wednesday

Thursday morning was max clean and jerk. They started out great and they got sexier as it got heavier. I hit a really sweet 63kg, got a great 66kg clean but the jerk was not meant to be.  I dropped it behind me, couldn't get out of the way on time and squashed myself with it. I have a rather nasty bruise on my back as a testament to how badass I am. (A few minutes later, I ditched a 45kg overhead squat down my back and hit the exact same spot D'oh!). Didn't try to max the squat as I thought it best to Save myself for Saturday.

Friday 18th March: I got a really awesome sports massage and dry needling at Functional Training Ireland, felt much looser after it. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Saturday 19th March 2011- East Coast Barbell, Bray
Even if I don't hit what I'm expecting, I always have the funs at East Coast Barbell. I arrived full of beans and strong as bulls and I dived straight into the snatch. I got up to 52kg feeling amazing, no problems but hit a wall at 54kg. Three times. I tipped back down and attempted to work back up. I got as far as doing a few singles at 47kg but they were inconsistent and I was getting frustrated so I listened to the little voice in my head telling me to move on and started to work on the clean and jerk. I didn't want to max out as I'd done so 2 days previously and wanted to save my legs for the squat so I just worked on tech at about 85%. It felt technically good but I still need to get more aggressive. I managed to squat up to 115kg but failed 117kg, it just wasn't there. Dee has an opportunity to improve. Again.

Max week results:
Snatch: 52kg (-1kg) boo :(
Clean and jerk: 63kg (+1kg)
Squat: 115kg (I think that's an oly style PR, not sure)
Bodyweight: about 62kg (Hopefully a few kgs of this is just water)

My charity website is open for two more weeks so now is a great time to get donating. DONATE HERE NOW PLEASE!
Remember, all donations, big and small, are greatly appreciated and go into a draw for a lovely portrait of you or a loved one thanks to the very generous and talented Daire Lynch. (Click this to see his art!).  

Friday, March 18, 2011

The mysteries of losing fat

So one thing that this challenge has thought me is that a lot of what I thought about fat loss is complete nonsense. Physically, it's really not as complicated as I had previously expected. It is simply eating the amount of healthy food that you need to meet your energy needs. Healthy food for me is meat, vegetables and a bit of nuts (and the odd few mandarins when I'm training) but humans being a diverse lot, I'd imagine that would vary from person to person quite a bit.
I don't buy into the "good calories bad calories" as much as I used to. Sure, good quality food is better for your health- duh! But at the end of the day, calories are calories. (I'm not talking about calories as they appear on the nutritional information on food labels; I reckon that figure is arbitrary. It was derived by burning the food in a bomb calorimeter and maybe I'm missing something vitally important here, but unless you are a bomb calorimeter, they don't really apply to you.) If you've got a bit of extra fat you're looking to lose, it's generally not enough to just eat good quality food (although that's a very good start); I find that will only get me so far. Portion control is the key. Only you can figure out how this applies to you. Monkey around with different quantities and find out what works best. It's not about your metabolism and it's not about hormones the gubbermint are putting in your beef, it's all the extra things you eat that you don't need to. Metabolism is a lie the nutritionists made up to keep you fat and keep them in the business of selling you weight loss rubbish.

Now, with the physical mysteries dispelled, I can tell you I find the mental aspect a complete mess! After a crazy paddy's day on the sauce and giving in to stupid hangover cravings, I'm now about 62kg. I'm finding maintaining to be quite a difficult task in general actually. Moderation is waay harder than abstinence! And so I find myself back on the sugar train. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm lazy and weak. Just because I know exactly what kind and how much food I need does not mean that I'm going to always do the right thing.

Now, I'm going to attempt to get off the sugar train again without delay. I reckon two weeks off the booze then the odd glass of red wine at the weekend should do it. I've a feeling the answer to this problem will be good planning.

Last day of max week tomorrow, I'll keep you all posted.

My charity website is open for two more weeks so now is a great time to get donating. DONATE HERE NOW PLEASE!
Remember, all donations, big and small, are greatly appreciated and go into a draw for a lovely portrait of you or a loved one thanks to the very generous and talented Daire Lynch. (Click this to see his art!)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Twelve days later...

So almost two weeks on, I'm managing to hang on in around 60kg, although I'm finding it a bit harder. The body has decided it requires a constant fuel of dark chocolate and cream in coffee and it has a compelling argument. Training's been great the last few days and I've put it down to the extra few calories but it didn't really seem to help testing my lifts too much today. Let's take a look at how I got on...

Saturday 12th March 2011
Squad training at the always lovely East Coast Barbell. (Basically maxing out on snatch and clean &jerk).

Snatch: Warmup felt so-so. Noticed a decline in quality around 45kg but I was still getting them up there. Hit 50kg easy, failed 52kg three times. I could examine all the factors but it just wasn't there today and I knew it wasn't there after the first fail. Unable to disappoint my adoring fans, I gave it socks anyway! Fairly disappointed though as I felt very strong going in today and training's been great lately. I wonder if the pressure of lifting in front of folks got to me as I seem to do better with the snatch in training. If that's the case, it does not bode well for competing and I need to sort that s**t out!

Clean and Jerk: Despite my weak performance on the snatch, I felt fresh going into these. The jerks got better and better as the session went on. Really got into a groove at about 57kg and felt all kinds of wonderful things happen with the jerk that have been fairly rare up to this. I'm always surprised when the jerk goes well and it went really well today. 60kg was so effortless and 63kg (pr +1kg) was the best of the day (based on how it felt and what others said to me). Failed 66kg twice unnecessarily, both due to inattention to the clean really. I consider my clean to be the best thing since sliced bread and take it for granted but I'm going to have to start paying it a bit more attention. First clean was a bit out in front, had to fight it in to place and wasn't set up properly for the jerk, went soft and pressed it out in front. Failed the second clean with some owee feelings in my teres major. Don't think it's anything a bit of rest won't fix.

So based on the performance today and how I'm feeling now, I reckon I've a few more things to work on.
I'm probably the last person that should be diagnosing my weaknesses, inflexibilities and imbalances but here I go anyway!
Inflexible ankles, glutes and hips- especially hips. They hurt a lot from squatting. Relatively weak adductors, upper back- affecting the clean recovery. Imbalance between strong spinal erectors and weak abs. Lazy glutes, not activating.

In response to this, think I'm going to do even more core work, stop dodging my squats and stretch more. Need to get a pullup bar sorted, pullups are the business. I feel compelled to do wallslides and band pullaparts. I'm going to throw in more presses too. Lastly, going to have a chat to the glutes and see what their major malfunctions are. I'm sure they just want more sweets or something.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to be an olympic weightlifter

So I like blogging, and even though project abs is essentially over, I haven't even come close to my fundraising target so I'm going to keep sharing my two cents with you good folks.

I love Olympic weightlifting. I love the whoosh boom of a good snatch. I love getting wound up for a good angry jerk. I didn't always love it though. I'm not lifting that long, I don't claim to know a whole lot, but for what it's worth, here are the little nuggets of information I've picked up so far.

The lifts are a good mix of technique and strength and while I considered myself strong, I was a bit impatient about the time involved in learning the technique. I've toyed with the lifts for about two or three years now, only getting serious and giving them the time they deserve since April last year. I probably could have shortened the journey a bit if I'd put the effort in at the start. To anyone who wants to start learning the lifts, here is my advice:

Get strong first. Put in the time with squats at every session. Don't scrimp on the deadlifts and pressing either. Eat lots and eat well. With insufficient protein, you'll feel like crap. Plenty of sleep is important for recovery too.

Do thousands of reps at no/ low weights. Drill the techniques until you're beyond bored. Then do some more. Time spent getting technique right in the early stages is like money in the bank. Concentrate on keeping the bar path close and getting your hips into the bar on the snatch and clean. If I ever figure out the jerk, I'll let y'all know!

Get a coach. There's no point in drilling thousands of reps if you're doing it wrong. It seems pretty difficult to unlearn bad techniques i.e. bending elbows early. This is a problem I've never had personally, but my coach tells me it's a pain in the neck to untrain.

Train consistently. If you're serious about improving your lifts, you're going to need to devote time and energy to them. I find that if I haven't snatched in a few days, my timing and technique seems a little off. Because of this, I'll try to get to the gym to snatch at least every two or three days, even if I don't have a lot of time. Twenty minutes is enough to get a snatch workout done and there are some days that's all I've had but it keeps me ticking over.

Get flexible. That is all that needs to be said about that.

Wear pink legwarmers. This adds 10kg to each lift. FACT.

DONATE HERE NOW PLEASE!, all donations gratefully accepted. A reminder that all donations received through this website will automatically enter a draw for a portrait of you or a loved one, thanks to the wonderful and talented Daire Lynch (click this to see his art!)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The end: Isabel 2 and pullups

Tested pullups yesterday, got 6 strict as opposed to the 4 ropey ones I got at the start of this challenge
This was done after a full workout of snatches, and jerks. Not awful, could be better though?

Isabel 1: Wednesday 26th January 2011 2:52 (30kg, 30 snatches)
Isabel 2: Saturday 5th March 2011 2:22 (30kg, 30 snatches) 30second personal best. Sound!

Even if I had managed to bypass the brain, the quadz were burnin' yo! Seemed very easy at first but got extremely difficult after about a minute. Still, I'm fairly happy with that.

Right, It's all done and dusted. I've done my part and lost the weight, showed off my abs and improved all the parameters I said I would. It's now your turn- if you're going to donate, then just donate (if you haven't already) please at this link DONATE NOW! All donations are secure and go straight to Childline/ ISPCC, a great charity that has been Ireland’s leading independent children’s charity advocating for the rights, well being and protection of children for over 100 years. This means alot to me and I really appreciate your support.
All donations gratefully accepted. A reminder that all donations received through this website will automatically enter a draw for a portrait of you or a loved one, thanks to the wonderful and talented Daire Lynch (click this to see his art!).

Friday, March 4, 2011


Grace 1: Thursday 6th January 2011 5:03 (40kg, 28 reps)
Grace 2: Friday 4th March 2011 5:13 (40kg, 30 reps)
Kind of annoyed I got a slower time, it really felt like I was pushing myself here. See video and post acceptable excuses for my poor performance to comments. Thanks!

 And donate please!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What now?

I've got a severe dose of the "what-nows". I've been asked 100 times over the past few days what I plan to do now that project abs is over. Simple answer: I'm not 100% sure.

I would consider my project abs a success in that I followed a course of action, pretty much as I said I would and reached my stated aims of making my abs more visible. I've raised a few quid and I hope I've increased people's general awareness of ISPCC/Childline. As a bonus, I've raised my general fitness levels and just feel better in my clothes and in my skin.

What I do know is I'd like to maintain this weight and with that in mind, I'm probably going to carry on as I have been over the last 8 weeks, with a few minor changes. The main focus of project abs was losing fat and getting lean at all costs. Hopefully maintaining will be a friendlier objective to achieve. The way I'd go about this is to use my general nutrition of the last 8 weeks as a template and tweak it a little e.g. fruit with each meal and coffee in my cream. I reckon I wasn't eating enough fat for the last few weeks, (the skin on my hands has gone to muck) so that will be addressed with more nuts, olive oil and cream. If I have a beer or two at the weekend, I won't stress about it. I will not get mashed and eat all the kebabs though!

My main training focus now is the weightlifting. I want a bodyweight snatch ASAP, I don't care who I have to kill in the process. With some technique work, I don't think a 70kg clean and jerk would be a pipe dream. I have May 7th in my head as an important date, this is the date of the Seniors competition in Jordanstown. I'm not sure if these goals are achievable by this date, (they probably aren't at all) but I'm bloody well going to try anyway!

Apart from that, I'd like to enjoy what I eat and how I train so the important thing will be to not tie myself to any specific path that won't make me happy. Some of the things that make me happy in small quantities are pull ups, swimming, running, Crossfit, beer and chocolate. These will not feature largely in my future, but they will make appearances from time to time.

I'm open to comments and criticism of what I've been at over the last few weeks and would appreciate feedback and suggestions on where best to put my energy for the next few weeks, months etc.

I'm planning on hitting Grace or Isabel and the max pull up challenge at the weekend. Videos soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weigh in 8a: The finale

Weight: 57.7kg (- 9kg)
Waist: 63cm (- 12cm)
Hips: 92cm (- 8cm)
Thighs: 54.5cm (-7cm)


The finished product

DONATE HERE NOW PLEASE!, all donations gratefully accepted. A reminder that all donations received through this website will automatically enter a draw for a portrait of you or a loved one, thanks to the wonderful and talented Daire Lynch (click this to see his art!).