Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What now?

I've got a severe dose of the "what-nows". I've been asked 100 times over the past few days what I plan to do now that project abs is over. Simple answer: I'm not 100% sure.

I would consider my project abs a success in that I followed a course of action, pretty much as I said I would and reached my stated aims of making my abs more visible. I've raised a few quid and I hope I've increased people's general awareness of ISPCC/Childline. As a bonus, I've raised my general fitness levels and just feel better in my clothes and in my skin.

What I do know is I'd like to maintain this weight and with that in mind, I'm probably going to carry on as I have been over the last 8 weeks, with a few minor changes. The main focus of project abs was losing fat and getting lean at all costs. Hopefully maintaining will be a friendlier objective to achieve. The way I'd go about this is to use my general nutrition of the last 8 weeks as a template and tweak it a little e.g. fruit with each meal and coffee in my cream. I reckon I wasn't eating enough fat for the last few weeks, (the skin on my hands has gone to muck) so that will be addressed with more nuts, olive oil and cream. If I have a beer or two at the weekend, I won't stress about it. I will not get mashed and eat all the kebabs though!

My main training focus now is the weightlifting. I want a bodyweight snatch ASAP, I don't care who I have to kill in the process. With some technique work, I don't think a 70kg clean and jerk would be a pipe dream. I have May 7th in my head as an important date, this is the date of the Seniors competition in Jordanstown. I'm not sure if these goals are achievable by this date, (they probably aren't at all) but I'm bloody well going to try anyway!

Apart from that, I'd like to enjoy what I eat and how I train so the important thing will be to not tie myself to any specific path that won't make me happy. Some of the things that make me happy in small quantities are pull ups, swimming, running, Crossfit, beer and chocolate. These will not feature largely in my future, but they will make appearances from time to time.

I'm open to comments and criticism of what I've been at over the last few weeks and would appreciate feedback and suggestions on where best to put my energy for the next few weeks, months etc.

I'm planning on hitting Grace or Isabel and the max pull up challenge at the weekend. Videos soon.

1 comment:

  1. Unretire from powerlifting!!!
    Get some pics of your back!
    Then eat a sandwich (gluten free of course!)
