Monday, January 31, 2011

Halfway point update and East Coast Barbell

Week4: Halfway point

Weight: 62.1kg (-0.9kg since last week, -4.6kg since beginning)
Waist: 70cm (-1.5cm since last week, - 5cm since beginning)
Hips: 98cm (no change since last week, 2 cm since beginning)
Thighs: 57cm (-1cm since last week, -4.5cm since beginning)
31st January
31st January

I'm happy with how the weight's been coming down and I've lost a good amount from my waist. I'm not too worried about my hips and thighs as they've always been stubborn about trimming down anyway, I knew I was going to have to be more patient with them. I can feel the abs just under the skin so hopefully I'll be trimmed down enough in four weeks to actually see them!

Today marks my last day of caffeine. I had thought the odd cup of black coffee wouldn't do too much harm, but I'm finding it making me hungrier when it wears off so I'm going to allow myself one more day of it then go cold turkey. May all the deities help me!

Training is going well. I tipped down to East Coast Barbell in Bray again on Saturday. I really enjoy training there. There's always great coaching, great atmosphere and great banter! Barry is an excellent coach, and I got some new cues which really made a difference to my lifting. It always surprises me how much training with him can improve my technique in just one afternoon. 
I was worried that losing almost 4kg bodyweight would affect my lifting but didn't seem to by much. I hit a really easy 50kg snatch. Very weird, I was under it before I knew what was going on and there was so little effort involved I burst out laughing at the bottom. I suppose I wasn't necessarily limited by strength. Missed 52.5kg with a bump on the head and couldn't muster up the stones needed to make a decent go of it after that. 
I came pretty close to 65kg jerk but no dice, I reckon I was a bit tired from all the snatching before but I felt like I hit a good groove with the 60kg jerk that came before it.

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