Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3

I'd a great time training today. I got a 10kg personal best on the front squat (that previous best was last Monday!) and I've started adding more volume to my programme. Actually, I've been having a great run lately. My snatch technique is really clicking and I'm feeling more energetic.
I went a bit crazy during the first week of this challenge trying to do everything at once and on top of my usual 4 times a week weightlifting schedule, I tried to do millions of burpees, tons of extra ab work, pullups, swimming and metcons. Any rocket scientist could have told me that wasn't going to work unless I wanted to feel like total crap! I was sleeping badly and that's no good for recovery.
So now, I've kinda gone the other way and I don't think I'm doing enough this week. There's about 5 weeks left of this challenge so hopefully that's plenty of time to turn it around. I want make sure I get my usual weightlifiting training in and I'll do what I can after (obviously ab work being a priority.)

This week was a light week: week 1 of my 4 week training cycle and it  looked like this:

Monday 17th January
Warmup: dynamic stretches, glute activation exercises, overhead squats.
Snatch 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3, 35kg x 3 x 2, 38kg x 2 x 2, 40kg x 2
Powerclean and 2 power jerks: 45kg x 1 x 5
Front squat: worked up to max, 85kg. Failed 90kg. (I was pretty knackered after the previous 2 days of squad training)
Tuesday 18th January: Rest and ab work (rollouts, rocking hollows)
Wednesday 19th January
Warmup: dynamic stretches, glute activation, jerk drills
Clean and jerk: 45kg x 3 x 2, 48kg x 2 x 2, 51kg x 1 x 2
Snatch below knees: 35kg x 3, 36kg x 3 (f), 35kg x 3, 36kg x 3
Power jerk: 45kg x 3 x 4 (sloppy)
Front squats: 60kg x 3 x 2, 64kg x 2 x 2, 70kg x 2
Stretch glutes and hip flexors (and again later)
Thursday 20th January
Warmup: dynamic stretches, glute activation, ohs
Snatch: 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3, 35kg x 3 x 2, 38kg x 2 x 2, 40kg x 1 x 2
Power clean and 2 split jerks: 45kg x 1 x 5
Front squats: 60kg x 3 x 2, 64kg x 2 x 2, 69kg x 1 x 2
Stretch glutes, hip flexors (and hip flexors again later)
Friday 21st January
Same as Wednesday
Later: ab work: rollouts, rocking hollows
Saturday 22nd January: Rest and ab work (rollouts and rocking hollows)
Sunday 23rd January- Coach decided week 1 again but with slightly more volume
Warmup: dynamic stretches, glute activation, ohs
Snatch: 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3, 35kg x 3, 38kg x 2, 40kg x 2 x 6
Powerclean and 2 split jerks: 45kg x 1 x 5
Overhead squat: 35kg x 3, 40kg x 3 x 3
Front squat: 60kg x 3, 70kg, 80kg, 85kg, 90kg, 95kg (pr 10kg) (that maxing wasn't exactly in the programme but I just wanted to)
Ab work (rocking hollows, 15kg plank, hanging leg raises) and stretching (death quad stretch, glute stretch)

I'm still not sleeping great, but better than I was back in week 1 and I think I'm doing pretty well with food. I haven't had any cheats since Berlin and I'm cooking way more and even starting to enjoy it a little (I've never been the biggest fan of cooking). I've discovered a few wonder foods that I just can't get enough of. Spring onions are amazing, so much nicer than other onions and make everything taste nice. Sugar snap peas are a life saver for snacking on and getting my greens in. 

So the plan for next week is to start adding in all the other stuff again (swimming and metcons and the like), just not all at once! I haven't had a chance to test the Crossfit workout 'Isabel' yet ( that's 30 snatches for time) and I don't know if it would really mean anything at this stage but sure if I get a chance, I'll give it a go for the craic and see how I get on. is the website where you can donate to the kids. No amount is too small and it's all very much appreciated.

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