Saturday, January 1, 2011



Why am I doing this? I have had a very decadent Christmas. I now want to increase my muscle mass and decrease body fat i.e. to increase usefulness of my body.This should improve my weightlifting, give me more energy and improve the fit of my clothes!

Markers of improvement:
·         Weight 66.7kg
·         Waist 75cm· 
·         Hips 100cm
·         Thighs 61.5cm
     I will measure these once a week and hopefully they will decrease over the 8 weeks.
     1: swim - how many lengths can I do in an hour?
     2: pullups - how many unbroken pullups can I do?
     3: "Grace" (30 clean and jerks) - How fast can I complete this?
     4: "Isabelle" (30 snatches)  - How fast can I do this?

      How do I intend to do this?
Three approaches
1: Food – Mostly meat and veg. No alcohol, no sugary snacks. I have had a fairly decadent approach to alcohol and food for the last 6 weeks.
2: Training – more metabolic conditioning and cardio. More swimming. I currently do Olympic lifting training four times a week but very little metabolic conditioning or cardio.
3: Adequate time to rest and adapt. I currently get to bed around 2 or 3 am. I will attempt to get to bed by 10 or 11pm for the duration of this challenge.

Possible obstacles? 
I will be going to Berlin for 5 days in January with friends. I will have to avoid the temptation of excessive quantities of beer and kebabs! 

WEEK ONE: 10 Burpees 2x daily, 3x planks daily

Monday January 3rd
am: swim test
pm: Oly training
pm: pullups test
Tuesday January 4th
am: swim
pm: mobility work and assistance exercises
Wednesday January 5th
am: swim
pm: Oly training
Thursday January 6th
pm: Oly training
pm: "Grace" (30 clean & jerks for time) test
pm: pullups
Friday January 7th, Saturday January 8th, Sunday January 9th
Berlin. I will continue with the burpees and planks and also will attempt to fit in an Oly training session and a swim or run.


A VERY decadent Christmas!
Like I said, it was a decadent Christmas...


  1. Good luck Dee. Just be aware that all this extra training will have a sizeable effect on your weightlifting training and nervous system. I would choose one or the other to focus on, so if you really want this challenge, still train for weightlifting, but with less intensity and volume.


  2. Cheers Barry. I'll keep that in mind. I'm prepared for this to be war anyway!
