Saturday, January 29, 2011

Testing procedure and Isabel

So I've chosen 4 tasks to test my progress.
1: swim - how many lengths can I do in an hour? (Changed to how fast I can swim 500m)
2: pullups - how many unbroken pullups can I do? (changed to chinups)
3: "Grace" (30 clean and jerks) - How fast can I complete this?
4: "Isabel" (30 snatches)  - How fast can I do this?

I should probably explain a bit about why I've chosen these particular tasks as my tests. The swim test is because I want to do a pool lifeguard certificate towards the end of February, as I feel this will improve my employability. A gym job would be handy for experience and money. I used to swim quite a bit but prior to this challenge, my last time in a pool was probably about a year and a half ago.
The pullups are chosen because they will improve as my pullup strength improves obviously, but also, as I lose weight, they should also become a little easier. I feel they also heavily involve the abs. 
Grace and Isabel were chosen because I am a weightlifter and these involve the olympic lifts. I also feel that they would be a good measure of improvements in my anaerobic capacity. 

Below is my 1st attempt at Isabel, completed 26th January 2011. I think 30kg was a bit light but it'll be a good measure of anaerobic capacity when I repeat it. I finished the workout in 2:52, managing to get through the first ten reps in 28s. I couldn't get into the rhythm again after that but hopefully I will next time I test this. I'm aware technique is rubbish, I just wanted to get it done. That is a perfectly adequate excuse and I'll hear no more on the matter!

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